Our Story

UnboundPrep is an online initiative backed by the idea of Massive Open Online Learning.

Our Vision

Connecting learners across the globe to satiate their doubts over any subject and topics

How we do it?

UnboundPrep is connecting learners across all of the educational curve through the means of discussions, blogs and test measures.

What we offer?

UnboundPrep offers a great platform for learners to participate in countless and timeless discussion on their loved subjects.


Unlimited Discussions

UnboundPrep Discussion is a virtual place where conversations can take place and information can be shared more easily among a geographically dispersed group of people. A specific topic of common interest or for a specific user group around a particular piece of work.

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Various Topics

UnboundPrep serves diverse interests of the learners and provides group discussions on varieties of topics, subject and mutual interest.

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UnboundPrep would love to connect with fellow community members.

Our vision is to connect the learners across the globe to satiate their doubts over any subject and topics.

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